Friday, 18 January 2013

This Is Why You Support Organic Agriculture

Albert Einstein said: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." To me, it's quite simple why you support organic agriculture. I'll lay it out through a question and answer model.

Do you like eating food? Do you enjoy feeding yourself?

I do. I enjoy living. Without food, we'd die.

Where is the majority of our food grown?

In the Earth's topsoil, the top 2-8 inches of soil in the ground.

What is soil?

Soil is an incredibly complex ecosystem teeming with billions of microbes, large and small inverterbrates and fungi which build up the soil. It is living. And good soil, where this ecosystem is thriving, provides everything a plant needs to grow and eventually become food for our survival.

How much topsoil, land available to grow food on, exists in the world?

According to most trusted organizations, we have between 40-60 years of topsoil left to grow food on.
We've heard of the term 'peak oil', some say we've hit 'peak soil'.

Is this cause for alarm?

Yes, incredibly so.

What is causing the world's topsoil to disappear so rapidly?

The driving force behind topsoil loss around the world, lies in the way in which conventional chemical farming or industrial agriculture is practiced. Chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides, monocrops where one crop is grown continuously year after year in the same place kills the ecosystem in the soil. When there is little life left in the soil, it's ability to retain water and to hold its structure is weakened. Once in a weakened state, topsoil easily washes away during rainstorms, from plowing, from winds, and more. Damage from topsoil erosion worldwide is estimated to be $400 billion per year!

How do we keep topsoil healthy and available for ourselves and future generations?

We don't use chemicals on the land where food is grown and we use sustainable farming practices which promote and generate new topsoil. Organic farmers farm the land sustainably by not destroying the life in the soil with chemicals, and instead use simple methods to promote the life in the soil and keep it healthy for ourselves and future generations to come.

In essence, by buying organically grown produce you are promoting a movement to maintain the topsoil we need to keep on living.

It's simple, support the people who are working to keep the life needed in our soil to continue feeding ourselves, friends and families.